Monday, April 29, 2013

Why is There So Much Hate for Skaters?

(Before you read, just know that I am not talking about everybody north of Pleasure Island, but I am talking about a lot of people from up there who think they own everything down here and who think they can talk to us like we are dogs. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.)

Ok, so, we live at the beach right? What does the youth do at the beach and the surrounding area? Surf and skate. Plain and simple. I get yelled at like at least two or three times a week just for skating on the sidewalk! Its usually tourists. And if its not Michiganders, its just drunk locals! I don't know what you guys from north of the island are thinking but we are not the good ol' southern boys you think we are down here. We live at the beach and do beach things and if you can't get used to it, go back to Foley where you came from! I guess some people are just to ignorant to know what to expect when they come down here. And the one thing that really pisses me off, is that if I was riding a bike in the same places I skate, people wouldn't pay any mind to what we were doing but if I'm on a skateboard, God forbid, I'm automatically doing something bad. So yeah I am going to start treating you off-islanders like you treat me. If you start something you got another thing coming, Dude.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Go West Young Man

Well guys I'm thrilled! I'm moving to either Santa Cruz, Denver, Seattle, or back to Portland in about a year and a half. This is a skater's dream. You guys don't understand. There are endless hills out there. So I will miss the Gulf Coast but, you know I was raised in the west so time to pack it in I guess. While I'm there I'm going to buy the longboard of my dreams and put it together myself. It will be the sickest of the sickest downhill longboards. And I will be so much closer B.C., Canada. Vancouver, here I come!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

I Got It

Yes I finally got my Penny skateboard. I got the bigger 27" "Nickel" sized board. I gotta say, it is the best thing I have ever ridden. I got the Marble Green colored board. Nuff said.